Nitrogen Systems: Policy-oriented Integrated Research and Education



Participants in the Nitrogen Methods Workshop visit the Wind River Canopy Crane Research facility in Carson, WA.
(l to r): Ashley Hammac, Shelley Pressley, Justin Poinsatte, Rebecca Martin,
Tabitha Brown, Jolene Mwengi, Devlin Montfort and Kris Johnson.

The curriculum for NSPIRE students includes the following courses, in addition to departmental course requirements.

  • Nitrogen Cycling in Earth's Systems: This is an interdisciplinary overview of nitrogen system science. The course involves lectures from all disciplines.
  • Systems dynamic modeling course: This course offers an introduction to systems modeling applied to environmental systems.
  • Policy studio course: An immersion in a novel studio course covering policy and regulatory procedures, policy issues, interaction with stakeholders, and development of teamwork and communication skills.
  • Nitrogen methods workshop: Hands-on, one-week intensive introduction to multi-phase methods for measuring nitrogen in the environment.